Monthly Archives: April 2010

Spring Yarn School 2010

Yarn School was April 22-25 and as always, it was fabulous. Nikol consistantly provides an amazing forum for learning, inspiration, laughter and rejuvination. The food Nikol makes for us is delicious (I still think she should make a Yarn School cookbook) and there’s alway plenty of coffee available.

This spring, probably around half of the participants were repeats and the friendships that had been made in past sessions were immediately rekindled. Many of those repeaters brought friends with them as well, so the quiet politeness that usually happens on Thursday night was replaced with raucous laughter.Adrian and Jennifer are knowledgeable and patient teachers — their spinning talents stun and inspire me. I have to say that I’ve always been equally inspired by my fellow attendees. Yarn School welcomes both the absolute newbie and the most advanced spinner.

Adrian’s dyeing skills are almost beyond description. She knows what the possiblities Jacquard dyes can provide PLUS she has a wonderful color sense — bundle that all up in one funny and talented person and you come up with stunning fiber and yarn.

This was my sixth time attending Yarn School — I’ve got four times as an attendee and twice and a Yarn Zombie/helper — and I still come away with the same rejuvination and excitement as I did after the first Yarn School I attended. Nikol, thank you for making all this happen.

For more pictures go HERE.


Filed under dyed fiber, dyeing, fiber, spinning, stash, Yarn School

Treasures from “The Potholder Swap 2010!”

I feel like I’ve been stalking my mailman because I’m been SO excited to get my potholders from the Swap and last night they showed up on my doorstep!!

I could hardly wait to get inside the house to open up my precious and long awaited package and actually let out a little squeal as they fell out.  Here are the lovely crochet artists that made these beautiful potholders:  The Pansy:  Susann;  Red, White & Blue:  Affiknitty;  Blue & Brown Flower:  MaisyDay;  Hexagons:  HelloYarn;  Pink & Grey:  Buhnuh.  I feel liked I won the grand prize in this Swap!

So, Adrian, Maryse, Maritza, Stacie & Cheryl gathered last Saturday and they sorted through the 88 packages of potholders that literally came from all over the US and even some from Europe.  Let’s do some math — 88 packages + 5 sets from the organizers = 93 participants x 5 potholders per participant = 465 potholders!!  Wowzer!  There are pictures in the Potholder Swap 2010 Flickr group that show all the potholders in stacks covering the floors and tables in Adrian’s home, in fact go to the Potholder Swap 2010 Flickr group and follow the progress of the potholders being crocheted, the sorting process and then see the collections that each person received in return.  If you’re on Ravelry, go to the Potholder Swap 2010! thread and follow everyones thoughts and progress.


p.s.  Maryse has a great play by play of sorting the potholders on her blog bag’n’trash!

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Filed under crochet