Category Archives: embroidery

It’s May!

Green grass, flowers, bees, sunshine galore! Finally, we’ve made it out of all the cold and snow! I’ve been spending more time outdoors and less time inside, so my knitting and crocheting are waiting patiently for me to return to them.

In the meantime, a sweet dove has decided to make her nest in one of the planters just outside my backdoor and I’ve been watching she and her newborn babies with great fascination, though I won’t be able to plant flowers in that planter for a bit.  The babies aren’t too cute yet as their feathers are just now beginning to come in.  Just last week there were two eggs and now the chicks are so big they barely fit under their mom.

I’ve also been playing around with embroidery again. I taught myself how to embroider when I was in the 7th grade and I revisit it now and again. I drew this bird and though it might be fun to reinterrupt it in floss on linen.  Hmmm, I think there’s a theme here . .

Last but not least, here’s gratuitous picture of Louis sitting not in my hostas, but on my hosta!


Filed under Cardigan Welsh Corgi, embroidery


Well, if awards were given for UFO’s, I think I might make it into the top 10, or at least win the Miss Congeniality prize. Rosewell would be hard pressed to have more UFO sightings than my house does! I like to tell myself that as my orphaned projects wait every so patiently for me to revisit them again, that I’m subconsciously working out the all the details of said project, and when I have arrived at my solution(s), I’ll jump in and finish things up. HA! Can we all say Delusional!! Truth be told, I think I’m a bit ADD with a dash of lazy. Add on top of that, I have a need to try everything I see and like.

I have my crocheted beaded bag (I bought a lovely antique frame for it), oh say, 50% done;

I have the flower embroidered on the back of one of my old jean jacket, but haven’t gotten the leaves and buds on there yet (I love the huipils of Guatemala and Mexico — Frida rules);

my granny afghan is about 75% done (of which, half of that is dog hair);

my dog Sophie chewed one of the feet off of the jewelry box that I’m carving, so that put the brakes on that for a bit;

(and here’s the remorseful wood chewing culprit, Sophie);

knitting, hmm, were do I even begin with that?!?!?! Slacker – yes . . . bored – NEVER! I still look at all these projects and find that I smile. I’ve discovered that the joy is in the doing and the discovery, not necessarily the finishing. Don’t get me wrong, I love the finished product and getting to use it, but the puzzle solving and work brings me even more pleasure. So UFO’s of the world fear not, because even though you’re off in some Rubber Maid storage box or closet, you’re just as cherished as any old FO.

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Filed under beading, crochet, dogs, embroidery, knitting, wood carving