Shave and a haircut . . .

As the summer has gotten hotter and hotter, poor Louis has been panting and drooling with his double coat of fur.  Bathing him and using the Furminator has helped, but the poor fellow has just got such a dense coat.  Great in the winter, not so good in the summer.   So, Mr. Louis got a summer buzz cut and he is one happy and cute dude.  He head looks too big for his body now, but that just makes him look very puppy like  and he’s been tearing through the house with a look of glee on his face.

Ignoring the fact that Louis is sitting in the middle of my hostas, he’s just the apple of my eye.


Filed under Cardigan Welsh Corgi, Corgi, dogs

7 responses to “Shave and a haircut . . .

  1. Maureen

    Handsome boy 🙂

  2. Angela

    That is just about the cutest thing I have seen in a long time!!!

  3. Sarah

    Biscuit sez that this is what all the cool cardis are doing for the summer. He’s been so happy without his fwuffiness, and even my normal coated boys Kane and Giz love their summer cut. 🙂

  4. Yo Bro! Are you kidding me???? A bald Cardigan! Good grief what’s your Mom done to you?

  5. Yo Bro! Uuuuuh what did your Mom do to you? You look nekkid.

  6. Good for Louis….I’m sure he is much cooler now. It will be interesting to learn how his hair grows back in. Does he like water? I’m hoping to get Zoe to appreciate it but so far she is unenthusiastic….and she is a water dog for goodness sake?

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